Day 23 – How do you spell “Relief”?

For, Layton, it was having Carson, Liam and Janine visit him in Kelowna General Hospital.

Layton is still in ICU but should be moved to the next less intense ward some time soon-I think it is called Surgical.  He continues to need moderate oxygen support at night but is OK for that most of the day.  He got his trach down-sized yesterday so his voice is weaker than before but that will improve.

Layton’s mom, Dorothy, and his sister, Lori, stopped by for a visit yesterday and that too was a relief for all parties.  Layton’s nurse the night before, Christy, had graciously offered to help him shave and shampoo and he looked like a million bucks instead of a prospector with no gold!

I have found some really nice casserole dishes and containers at my house, compliments of friends and neighbours who helped feed the boys while we were gone.  This is in stark contrast to twelve empty cans of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle soup lined up by the sink, waiting to be washed for recycling.  Oh, and I think we could track the Domino’s pizza boxes to the day I transferred money into their accounts and to the day the phone books got delivered with the “buy one, get one free” coupon.  Carson bought the first one and gave Liam a pizza.  A few days later, Liam had friends over and one of them paid.  Carson wanted to share in the “spoils’ (aka pizza) but Liam told him he couldn’t have any since Carson had already used “his” coupon.  Good thing we get four phone books!

Layton has really wanted a DQ Blizzard!  My compromise is a small serving of ice cream each night.  I may have to start bringing a dish for his nurse as well.

Back to the real world for me a bit-paying bills, seeing what has been going on in our lives for the past three plus weeks…I, or Layton, will keep you posted.  I thought he would be up to this, but still pretty weak.  Thanks for the notes and calls.

12 thoughts on “Day 23 – How do you spell “Relief”?

  1. Hi Myrna & Layton, it’s so good to hear you’re home in Kelowna. Thanks so much Myrna for keeping us up to date with your blog, it really felt we were so much closer if not by distance at least by thought. Dennis & I will be heading your way around Thursday, hoping Layton will keep getting stronger and better by the time we get there. Bye for now,
    Dennis & Tina


  2. Hi Myrna!

    Having just returned from my annual mc trip with a friend I am reminded once again that family and friends are so very important. Layton is on the receiving end of that kind of relationship that helps us make it through some difficult times. Please pass along my greetings to Layton. Let him know we hit rain and hail going through the Crowsnest Pass. No snow however so one can’t be too grumpy although extremely soggy. Take care. Harry G.


  3. Hi Myrna & Layton, Glad to hear things are turning around for the better. I have checked everyday for the updates…thanks. We have been thinking of you both. Love, Cheryl


  4. Hi Layton & Myrna:

    You two are truly amazing. Your strength and humour through this whole ordeal goes beyond what my words could express (I’m sure you two could do it though). Inspirational does not seem adequate. I’m just glad Layton is on the mend and that you are able to start putting your lifes back together. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Karen Knoll
    (fellow ice cream lover – is there anything better!)


  5. You guys have been on my mind and in my prayers, I am glad that things are improving. Give the old boy a hug for me please.

    I look forward to being able to phone him soon, on my way home from the island later this summer I intend to stop in for a visit.

    We are doing a ride for Layton on July 10- 11 here in GP, we hope to raise a few $ to help him get all the ice cream he needs!
    Take care you two…


  6. Jackie Westgate told me at work about a pile of tough stuff for Layton (and the whole family, of course). We are glad you are getting better, Layton. Never will forget your whole family’s love, support and hospitality to us when we moved to the OK, 10 years ago! Our love and prayers will follow your steps to recovery. xo


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